Removal of Datasets | DWER Layers
Scheduled for Feb 12, 16:45 - 17:00 AWST
Please note the following layers will be removed from SLIP Public Soil Risk Map Service on Wednesday 12th February 2025:

Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map 100K (DWER-048)
Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Map 50K (DWER-049)
- These layers will be retired as they are no longer maintained by DWER or used by industry.

Additionally, the below layer will be removed from SLIP Public Geology and Soils Map Service:

ASO Sample Collections Point (DWER-056)
- Layer is not maintained by DWER or used by industry and therefore being retired.

The layers were located in the SLIP Public Soil Risk Map Service and Geology and Soils Map Service. Links to the services below:

Please note: There will be an intermittent outage to the services while they are republished. There will be no outages to the maps, however the services will not be available in the maps while republishing
Posted Jan 16, 2025 - 10:58 AWST
This scheduled maintenance affects: SLIP Maps, SLIP Data Services (APIs) (SLIP Public Services), and Data Resource Formats (Geospatial Data Snapshots (Data Downloads)).